Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem



(The Cow)

An English Interpretation of Surah 2, Ayat 2-22

In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful.

Alif. Lam. Mim.
This is the Book with no doubt:
A Guide for those who can restrain themselves;
Who accept there are things they cannot see;
Who offer prayers correctly;
Who give in charity some of that
Which We have given them,

And who trust the Revelation
We have given to you
And others before;
And who affirm there is
Another life to come:

These are the rightly guided ones,
Who will assuredly triumph.

But as for those Unbelievers -
It makes no difference whether you warn them
Or do not warn them,
For they will not believe:

Allah has sealed their hearts
And covered their ears
And great is the penalty
They will incur

For such people say: "We do believe in Allah
And the Last Day"
Even though they do not believe this

And seek thereby to deceive Allah
And those who truly believe
Even though they are blindly deceiving themselves.

There is a sickness within which ails them
And Allah has increased this sickness
Because they lie even to themselves:
For this, they will grievously suffer.

And when someone says to them:
"Do not be so ignoble on this earth,"
They reply: "We are only bringing peace!"

Although it is they who bring disorder
While so deceiving themselves.

And when someone says to them:
"Why do you not believe, as the others believe?"
They reply: "Are we to believe what fools believe?"
Even though they themselves are the ignorant fools.

Thus do they when they meet the faithful say: "We believe!"
While among their own kind they affirm:
"We were playing with them -
We are really with you!"

And so Allah will play with them,
Letting them blindly blunder about
In their arrogance.

For these are they who came to trade guidance
For error because they believed this was a bargain
Although they made no profit
Because they lost their way.

They may be compared to the person who to see what was around
Kindled a fire which, as soon as it was lit,
Was put out by Allah since this blind person was already
In the dark:

So they - being blind, speechless, ignorant -
Cannot find their way back.

They are those who, under a darkening sky
Wherein is thunder and lightning,
Stick their fingers in their ears
Because they fear death by lightning
Even though Allah is around them:

The lightning almost blinds them
But they walk a way by its light
Stopping when there is darkness again.

And yet Allah could have taken away
Their hearing and their sight:
For He has power over all things.

Thus should you humbly give thanks to your Creator,
- the Giver of Life to those before you -
Who sustains you so that you might do your duty:

For He made this Earth a resting place for you
And placed the sky upon it so that from this sky
Water might rain down and bring forth fruits
To feed you.