In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Two Short Biographies of Imam Khomeini

Imam Khomeini's Childhood

Born in 1320 A.H.(September 1902 CE) his birthday coincides with the anniversary of the auspicious birth of Hadrat Fatima (SA), the most revered and highly respected woman in Islam. Imam Khomeini was born into a religious family; his father, Ayatollah Seyyed Mustafa Musavi was educated in Najaf and Samarra, and later returned to his birthplace, Khomein, where he was the religious leader of the people until his death at the age of 42. Imam Khomeini's mother also had a religious background for she was the daughter of Ayatollah Mirza Ahmad, an exalted theologian.

Due to the early death of his father, the Imam was brought up under the loving care of his mother and his aunt Sahiba. However, when he was at the early age of fifteen his aunt came to an untimely end, and shortly afterwards his mother also passed away.  While the loss of his dear ones was a blow to one so young, it also served to strengthen the will of Imam Khomeini and cemented his faith in Allah the Almighty.

From early childhood the Imam had a keen interest in his studies. At a very early age he learned to read and write, and his elder brother, Ayatollah Passandideh also taught him Arabic grammar and logic along with the rudiments of many other subjects.

To further his studies Imam Khomeini studied literature at the Centre for Theological studies in Arak and later in Qom, and became an authority on theological and canon law.

Refined in manners, the Imam has always stressed the performance of religious duties and observance of the Islamic tenets. Well versed in all branches of the rational and traditional sciences, he began to teach philosophy at the age of 27.  He has written many books on various aspects of religion. At the age of 30, Imam Khomeini married the daughter of a religious scholar and their marriage was blessed with two sons and three daughters.

The Imam has always spoken out against the oppression and tyranny in the world with a resonant voice. His constant protest against the former tyrannical regime in Iran stirred anger in the hearts of the Pahlavi regime and their hatred was openly displayed when, after imprisoning the Imam, they eventually exiled him from his native land.

In October of 1962 the Cabinet of the despotic government of the Shah approved a bill for the establishment of provincial and city councils. Prior to this bill, and according to the constitution of the country, it was ordained that all those elected to the Majlis should believe in Islam. This stipulation was omitted from the new bill, and when it became law those elected representatives could take an oath on any holy scripture they accepted, not necessarily the glorious Qur'an. Protests in Qom against the Shah  were made on this issue and Imam Khomeini sent a cable to Alam, then Prime Minister, in strongly opposing the bill. For the first time Imam Khomeini  issued warnings against such councils and their Zionist inclinations, whilst calling the people to struggle. He openly protested against the torturing and imprisonment of people by the government, and also about the government supporting Zionism and safeguarding the interests of the US.

Public opposition increased,  and the religious circles in Qom proposed an all-out strike of the Iranian work-force. A state of emergency was declared in Tehran and two months later, in a press conference the Prime Minister announced the former approval of the bill was null and void.

Events of 1963

The religious circles in Qom had declared that the Muslims should not celebrate the New Year (the vernal equinox) because the anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam As-Sadiq (A.S.) fell on the second day of the New Year. The deposed king was dismayed when he saw the people supporting religion and Imam Khomeini, so he decided to frustrate his opponents' plan. On the morning of the second day of Farvardin (the first month of the Iranian calendar), a number of the Shah's supporters and SAVAK (Shah's secret police) agents arrived in Qom in cars and buses. Troops in army vehicles armed with heavy machine guns poured into the town. The Imam's home was full of people. All of a sudden anti-religious slogans were heard. At the Faiziyyeh School, some hooligans created disturbances and attacked the people there. The Shah's agents opened fire on the people and the Muslim clergies. The Shah wanted to bully the clergy into remaining silent so that he could have a free hand, and further tyrannize the nation, thereby pleasing his master - the US government.

No sooner had the Imam received the news of the event than he came to pacify the people. He said: "Keep calm. You are the followers of those leaders in your religion who suffered greater atrocities. Many a great figure of Islam suffered death in order to uphold Islam and entrust it to you. Therefore it is up to you to preserve this sacred heritage." The Imam's speech carried weight not only because the speaker was threatened with death, but because at such a critical time he promised victory for the people and defeat for the Shah.

Imam Khomeini requested that the exalted religious leaders in Tehran disclose the atrocities that had occurred in the  region. He also urged the religious preachers to refer in their sermons to the outrageous behaviour of the regime towards the clergy, to the threat of Israel and its agents, and to the real threat to Islam.

Imam Khomeini was always welcomed warmly by the people. The heartfelt support that the masses gave to the religious leadership filled the regime with frustration. The regime saw this as an obstacle to its policies. The only religious figure remaining who gave the religious leadership weight with the people and allowed it to be a determining factor in Iranian society was Ayatollah Khomeini. Thus he was threatened by SAVAK to stop giving sermons at the Faiziyveh School. However he went there on the afternoon of Ashura the 10th of Muharram, (to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussain) and said:

"We have come to the conclusion that they are against Islam and the religious leadership. Israel wants to discredit the Qur'an - our Holy Scripture - and wipe out the religious leadership. Israel wants to tighten its grip on our economy, trade and agriculture."

The Imam's Arrest

This speech caused the Shah to fly into a rage. On the night of the 15th of Khordad, troops on his orders besieged Qom and rushed to the Imam's home. They then took him to Tehran where they held him in custody in the Qasr prison. He was later transferred to the Ishrat Abad Garrison. The next day the people in Qom took to the streets and led by Haj-Mustafa Khomeini, the Imam's son, shouted the slogan: "Either Death or Khomeini!". In Tehran the people demonstrated, shouting for his immediate release from prison. The bazaar and the university in Tehran were closed down. Troops opened fire on the people; casualties were heavy.  However, despite the security crackdown, the next day, (the 16th of Khordad), there were again demonstrations in Tehran in support of Imam Khomeini. In many other cities and towns of Iran the people went out on strike. There was no official casualty list available, but some 15,000 and 400 people were reported killed in Tehran and in Qom respectively.

The atrocities of the Shah's martial law during these days and the support the masses gave Imam Khomeini were reflected in the foreign press. Although the western press, especially the imperialist papers, have never been able or willing to appreciate the struggles of the oppressed people of the world to rid themselves of the yoke of Colonialism, the 15th of Khordad uprising and the leadership of Imam Khomeini could not be ignored.

The strike was broken and the bazaar reopened when the people received the news that the Imam was well and in good health. Nearly two months later, he was transferred from prison to SAVAK owned house in Davoodiyeh. This lessened public tension.

After Imprisonment

Nearing the first anniversary of the Faiziyyeh massacre, troops once again occupied Qom, but under strong public pressure, the Imam was released from prison and returned to Qom. His first speech delivered at Masjid Azam.

"They call us reactionary. Certain foreign newspapers are bribed lavishly to say that we are adverse to all reforms and try to lead Iran back to the Middle Ages. The Ruhaniyat (Clergy) oppose the adversity the people suffer here. We want them to maintain the independence of the country. We do not want them to be humble servants of others. We do not oppose civilization, nor does Islam. You have violated all laws, whether human or divine. The radio and television programs are nerve-shattering. The press poisons the minds of the youth.

You have here military experts from Israel. You send Iranian students to Israel. We oppose all this. We do not oppose freedom for women, but we do not want women to be made-up dolls for the purposes of men. Your educational system is at the service of aliens."

Besides disclosing the evil scheming of the Pahlavi regime, the Imam always urged the unity of Islamic nations against Zionism and imperialism.

The Extraterritoriality Bill

The puppet government of Mansour, the then Prime Minister, submitted this bill to the Majlis (the Lower House of the Iranian legislative branch of the government during the Pahlavi regime) which passed it. The Imam was soon informed of this treacherous act and in a speech he explained his reasons for opposing the bill. In less than ten minutes more than 40,000 copies of an announcement embodying the Imam's views were distributed by his supporters in Tehran.

The Shah felt so threatened by the power of Ayatollah Khomeini that he arranged for his exile.

The Imam's Life in Exile

On the night of Aban 13, 1343 (November 1964) Qom was again occupied by troops. They arrested the Imam and drove him to Mehrabad Airport to send him into exile in Turkey. In the morning the people of Qom were not allowed to leave their homes and troops surrounded the houses of religious leaders. Haj Mustafa Khomeini was arrested and imprisoned in Tehran. He was likewise sent into exile in Turkey some two months later.

Cables were sent to the Turkish Embassy in Tehran in support of the religious leadership. Meanwhile, Hassan Ali Mansour, who was responsible for the bill and the exile of the Imam, was assassinated by a member of the Fadaeiyeen-e Islam.

The following letter was addressed to the UN Committee of Human Rights, dated April 1965:

"We would like to draw your attention to the measures the UN might take against the policies of the Iranian government aimed at violating human rights. The matter has been given publicity in the New York Times, The Times of London and Le Monde issues of November 5. The religious leaders of Iran have been sent into exile as a 'security measure'. The top religious figures are jailed and nearly all other leaders are under police surveillance at their homes.

The exile of Imam Khomeini to Izmir, Turkey, is the worst of all, violating Article 14 of the Constitution of Iran to the effect that no Iranian shall be sent into exile or forced to leave his residence to reside elsewhere, unless otherwise stipulated by the law. Charged with revolt, the Imam has been under police surveillance since 1962. So, how can he be guilty of later provocation? This is rather more important, taking into account the practice of the Turkish government to accept a religious leader of so considerable calibre in its territory and keep him under control. We shall appreciate your investigation into the merit of the case and your decision thereon as the UN Charter stipulates."

The Turkish government under pressure was obliged to transfer the Imam to Iraq with collaboration of the Iranian regime. The Iraqi government agreed with such a transfer, provided that Iran had no right to intervene in the Imam's fate, freedom of activities or length of his exile in Iraq.

Exile to Iraq

The Imam lived in exile in Turkey only for a short period during which he was engaged in writing books. In Najaf, Iraq, he resumed his activities, but in an announcement he pointed out that the resumption of his activities should not be considered as termination of his exile and the public should be enlightened accordingly. They were! For fifteen years in exile, Imam Khomeini, wrote, spoke out, lectured, informed and amassed public fervour against the tyrannical regime in Iran until he returned fifteen years later bringing the 'Dawn of an Islamic Revolution.' TV and radio stations, all over the world struggled to accommodate the influx of news that was coming then from Iran as the Imam returned. Some quoted thousands had gone to meet him and others, hundreds of thousands, but the truth is that millions thronged to receive the Imam when he landed on home ground.

Migration from Iraq to Paris

At a meeting of the foreign ministers of Iran and Iraq in New York a decision was made to deport Imam Khomeini from Iraq. On the 2nd of Mehr, 1357 (Sept 24, 1978), Iraqi troops put siege to Imam Khomeini's house in Najaf. The news of the siege angered the Muslims in Iran, Iraq and in other countries. In his visit to Imam Khomeini, Iraqi security chief had said that if Imam wished to stay in Iraq he must give up his political opposition, and the Imam had strongly replied that he could neither remain quiet nor was he willing to compromise since he had responsibilities and duties.

Return to Home

Early in Bahman, 1357 the news concerning Imam Khomeini's decision to return to the country was spread. Whoever heard this news shed tears of joy - for the people had been waiting for 14 years for this. Immediately after his triumphant return he addressed a millions strong throng at and around Behesht-e-Zahra cemetery. The following are excerpts from his speech:

"We have suffered many disasters ..... but during this period of big disasters, great victories have also been achieved ..... I cannot compensate for all the damage done to this nation .... I lost everything. May God the Almighty reward it ... Muhammad Reza Pahlavi has gone ..... He fled after destroying everything... He ruined our country and made our cemeteries flourish..... Our agriculture is wiped out..... He kept our culture in a backward state... We have had universities for more than fifty years..... Due to treason committed against us however, there has been no human development.....

"As regards oil, it has been given totally to foreigners whether to America or other countries.....If, Allah forbid, that man had remained on the throne for several more years, our oil reserves would have been exhausted... The blood of our young has been shed for freedom... We want a strong country with a stable and powerful system. We do not seek to reverse the system totally, in fact we want to maintain it, only let it be based on, and in the service of, the people."

Imam Khomeini has been true to his words. Since the ousting of the Pahlavi regime and the establishment of an Islamic Republic in Iran, all government acts have been towards benefiting the people themselves. The system of Islamic government in Iran has not been estranged from the people in any way and has enjoyed their full support. Development activities have achieved wonders far beyond the realms of expectation, and the support of the people when fighting against the despotic regime of Iraq which imposed war upon them serves to show that their faith in the Imam's guidance and the grace of Allah shall never flounder.

The Islamic Republic of Iran, having followed the guidance of Imam Khomeini, now has a strong and powerful system both at the national and international level. Islamic tenets and laws are referred to when policies and decisions are made in government and this at all times ensures that any activities or proposals carried out are in the interest of the people. The nations of the world shall in future years envy we who lived through this era of transition to the Islamic Revolution, and who experienced its glorious 'Dawn' led by the honourable Imam Khomeini.

Contrary to the views expressed by the Western media the people of Iran have gained a new respect and dignity. They can proudly say that what they have is the result of their own efforts, that their modest dress and manners are proper and part of their cultural identity (and not an outdated custom), and that their values are Islamic and so pure.

Imam Khomeini returned to Iran from exile and brought with him the 'Dawn of the Islamic Revolution,' but now the light of the risen sun shines from the faces of those who have followed his guidance and accepted the tenets of Islam. The Islamic Republic of Iran is now like a beacon, shining out across the globe to enlighten the oppressed.

Childhood and Parents

Imam Khomeini was born in the town of Khomein, about 350 kms south of Tehran in the central province, on the 20th of Jamadi-Al-Thani, the year 1320 A.H.,(September 24, 1902). This day is also the birth anniversary of Fatima Zahra, the daughter of Prophet Mohammea (peace be upon him). He was named Ruhollah - The sprit of God.

His father, Ayatollah Seyyed Mostafa Musavi, assumed the religious leadership of the people of Khomein and the nearby villages after his return from the Islamic theology centre in the city of Najaf, Iraq. But only a few months after Ruhollah was born, his father was fatally wounded by bandits on the road to Arak, north of Khomein. He was 47.

Imam Khomeini`s mother, Hajar, was also of a prominent religious family. She was the daughter of Ayatollah Mirza Ahmad, a scholar and teacher in Karbala and Najaf theological centres, in Iraq. She passed away when the Imam was only 15.


Despite these personal circumstances, the Imam began using his talent and intelligence in learning Islamic sciences --first under his brother, Ayatollah Seyyed Morteza Pasandideh. Later, he went to the theological school in Arak where he attended the classes of the prominent scholar of his time, Haj Sheikh Abdulkarim Haeri Yazdi. He also mastered Arabic literature.

After a move from Arak to the holy city of Qom, the Imam intensified his studies, had completed the highest level of theology by 1927 and was soon pronounced a mujtahid - a qualified jurist - by his senior tutors. He also specialized in various fields other than Fiqh (jurisprudence), including Philosophy, Irfan and Ethics.

Political Life before 1963

Because of his strong political views against the regime, the security agents of Reza Khan, the founder of the Pahlavi dynasty, were ordered to restrict the Imam's activities. But the Imam continued his gradual but firm effort to spread his enlightening message to the people.

After the death of Ayatollah Borujerdi, the paramount Shia leader of the time, the Imam was chosen his successor by the Ulema and people. With this, his cultural Jihad against the monarchy gathered momentum in 1961, reaching a peak in 1963.


On June 3rd of that year the Imam made a historic speech against the dependence of the Shah's regime on foreign powers, and its support for Israel. He also stressed on the role of the Ulema in society.

Because of this speech, the Imam was arrested on June 5th. But this brought the people of Qom out into the streets. News soon reached other cities and for two days people in several major cities, including Tehran, demonstrated against the Shah and in support of the Imam.

On June 5th, troops supported by tanks were deployed crush the growing movement. Many were massacred and the Shah's dictatorial regime appeared to have achieved victory. But the seed of the Islamic Revolution had been planted.

In Exile (4/11/1964-3/10/1978)

Following the Imam's arrest, the regime came under sever pressure from the Ulema and the people. On November 4th, the Imam was sent into exile. He was first deported to Turkey and then to Iraq where he took up residence in Najaf.

Still determined to act according to his religious responsibility, the Imam escalated his political struggle. This further added to the religious and political awareness and the maturity of the Iranian people which was demonstrated by their angry and massive response to the murder of Haj Mostafa Khomeini, the Imam's eldest son, in the winter of 1977, by the agents of the Shah's secret police,  Savak.

The martyrdom of Haj Mostafa, as well as an insulting article printed in the daily newspaper Ettela`at on Savak`s order, prompted mourning protest gatherings in major cities. Many people were killed in these demonstrations as the Shah's regime tried to suppress them. Soon, the regime decided that the only way to calm the situation was to prevent the Imam's inspirational message from reaching the people. So the Shah demanded, and received, co-operation from the Iraqi regime, who then expelled the Imam on 3 October 1978.

Migration (Oct. 3, 1978-Feb. 1, 1979)

Imam Khomeini set out for Kuwait on October 3rd 1978 but was denied entry by the government. After consulting with his son, Ahamad, the Imam decided to go to France where he arrived on October 5th and a few days later took up residence in the small village of Neuphle le Chateau.

In Iran, mass protests against the regime and the continued exile of the Imam grew to such an extent that it become impossible to control and suppress them completely.

The Imam made frequent speeches, sent messages to the Iranian nation, gave numerous interviews to the media, all outlining the liberation-seeking values and ideas of Islam and explaining the framework of the Islamic State based on divine justice.

The ruling regime was facing a serious crisis. The West forced the Shah to leave Iran to allow the newly formed "liberal" Bakhtiar government to gain legitimacy in the eyes of the people. But the Imam still held the initiative: he was determined to return to Iran. The nation prepared for the greatest home coming ceremony in history. The Imam left Paris for Tehran on 1 February 1979.

Return Home (1/2/1979)

The streets of Tehran was packed with millions of people, waiting enthusiastically to great the Imam. The Plane carrying the Imam landed safely at Tehran's Merababd Airport. The Imam set foot on the Islamic homeland for the first time in more than 15 years. His first move upon arrival was to go to Behesht-e Zahra Cemetery to pay tribute to the martyrs of the Islamic Revolution.

Confident of victory, people rose up everywhere. The regime unleashed its last bullets. But through love, courage, and martyrdom in the struggle the Islamic Revolution triumphed and true Islam spread its wings over Iran.

Everyday thousands of people rushed to see the Imam. An interim government was formed. The new State was gradually taking shape. The Imam insisted that the main institutions be set up. The people voted for the Islamic Republic and approved its constitution. Thus the first Islamic State for 1400 years was born.

The Islamic Republic of IRAN

After setting up the Islamic Republic of IRAN, Imam was no longer just a leader, but a caring, sincere, father. He even cared for those who had done wrong and lost their way. He was loved even by the poor, the deprived and the freedom fighters of other nations.

The Imam made most of his speeches during the period 1979 - 1989. He set out solutions, gave the framework for principles of statesmenship, and not only explained the virtues of religion and ethics, but detailed the aims of the Islamic Republic and its domestic and foreign policies.

Farewell, and Mourning

After ten years, at 22:22 Saturday night June 3rd, 1989, the Imam passed away. The news was broadcast the following morning, and the sense of loss was almost unbearable. Millions poured in from all parts of country to participate in the biggest farewell in the history. Similar ceremonies were held as well in many Islamic countries and communities around the world.